
Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2020

Post 2: Why did you choose your career/estudy programm

  Well, here we go. When I was a child, my dream was to study paelontology. He dreamed of studying dinosaurs, their behavior and their characteristics. Dinosaurs were my childhood passion, I had posters, puzzles, and dinosaur toys. When I grow up I wanted to study veterinary medicine, in order to take care and protect animals, I never did, my interests changed, however, my love for animals never disappeared. I don't know why, but I studied medical technology for 3 years, until I realized (late) that what I really wanted to study was something related to social sciences, that's how I got to Santiago. My experience at the university has been good, however, it has been difficult for me to adapt due to the age difference I have with my classmates. My dream is to continue studying until I die (well, maybe it's a lot), the truth is that I want to dedicate myself to research, and thus contribute a grain of sand to society

Post 1: My Autobiography

Hello, my name is Cristóbal Cárdenas Galindo, I am 27 years old and I study anthropology. I was born in Osorno, but currently I live in Santiago with my cat Margarita. During my childhood I studied in many elementary schools, and during my adolescence I studied in an agricultural high school in Rio Negro. Currently my hobbies are reading and playing with my cat, as well as watching series and movies on Netflix. My family is integrated of my younger sister, my mother and my grandparents, they live in the south of the country, so every time I can travel, I do it, however, in these times it is difficult.