Post 2: Why did you choose your career/estudy programm


Well, here we go.

When I was a child, my dream was to study paelontology. He dreamed of studying dinosaurs, their behavior and their characteristics. Dinosaurs were my childhood passion, I had posters, puzzles, and dinosaur toys. When I grow up I wanted to study veterinary medicine, in order to take care and protect animals, I never did, my interests changed, however, my love for animals never disappeared. I don't know why, but I studied medical technology for 3 years, until I realized (late) that what I really wanted to study was something related to social sciences, that's how I got to Santiago.

My experience at the university has been good, however, it has been difficult for me to adapt due to the age difference I have with my classmates. My dream is to continue studying until I die (well, maybe it's a lot), the truth is that I want to dedicate myself to research, and thus contribute a grain of sand to society


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Post 1: My Autobiography