In first place, I think that the offer of subjects in the anthropology career is very limited, if you check the academic offer of the same career in different universities around the world is easy to confirm this fact. This due on one hand for the lack of professors and their low salaries, you can see it in the difference of these if you compare the salaries of the professors for example Beucheff or the FEN and the FACSO or the philosophy faculty, clearly something is working wrong. On the other hand, I think that the university on itself must leave the conservative that it is nowadays and stop living only from its history and international prestige, it most decidedly moves forward to the innovation and academic excellence. It also has to make flexible the internal bureaucracy that puts it many times in a immobility or slowness at the time of front facing changes and challenges of XXI century; and not just this big changes at macrosocial level, but this also translate in difficulties at the time of respond to the needs of the students themselves. 

Another more personal topic, is that I would change the fact that all the homework we do is in group. I noted this just in the moment i had to start doing my thesis, since thinking I realized I’ve never done an investigation project individually, this was obviously reflected in trouble at the time of beginning the thesis. So, at least come courses should allow to do some investigation jobs individually.


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