The best concert i have been on was a Black Sabbath concert. The band came to Chile the october 4th of 2013 and presented in monumental stadium. The best of all was that the show had the original band members with Ozzy Osbourne as a vocalist. I remember that year i traveled from Osorno to Santiago, so me and some Friends rented a departament. Around 45000 people went to the concert, who listened the classic songs such as “Paranoid”, “Iron Man”, “Children of the graves” and “N.I.B”. The show was inaugurated by the band Megadeth of Dave Mustaine. Most curious was that the concert was on a farewell tour, so they weren´t supposed to return to the country, obviously this didn´t happend and the band came back in 2016, nevertheless, the fact of seeing this two classic rock and metal bands on live, has been one of the most spectacular and exciting experiences on my life.


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