I would like to travel so far away in time, I don’t know, it could be the XXVI or XXVII century. I’m curious about human destiny, have we been able to overcome climate change? We will live next to humanoid robots?, Or the planet just simply have been collapsed? These are questions that I will probably never get answers to. I would like to know how the life way of people in that time is, to know how they live, what they eat, how the job is, how the culture is, what technological inventions exist, will people still eat animals? Anyways, there are too many questions that I have. I would also like to tour the future world, and why not, travel to other planets if that exist, maybe people lives in different planets, or is too ambitious? I think I still have faith that humanity will make it through with XXI century problematics, like it is environmental crisis product of the extractivist capitalism. On the other hand, I don’t think I would like to stay in the future as tempting as it is, this because is in this time where I have mi family, also I don’t know if I could get used to such a different world. I will maybe bring memories from the future, maybe music o some brilliant idea that could be replicated in our time and help us to get better the planet we live in.


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