I would like to take advantage of this blog to comment something I’m very happy about. Lots of people say that consumerism is most pristine expression of neoliberalism, but ¿who could resist to buy half price books? I would like to confess that in the past Cyberday I spent my savings on books (forgive me, Marx), what else could I do if Buscalibre had them on half-price, only problem is that they will delay close to a month, blessed patience. Between more interesting books I bought it’s found “the adventures of merchandise” of Anselm Jappe, book that I thought would be useful for my thesis project, thing that my professor sharply denied (maybe I should have asked before buy it), therefore, it would have to wait in the bookshelf until it’s time comes. The other interesting book is “the cheese and the worms” of Carlos Ginzburg, a story that tell us the ravings of a middle-aged miller named Menocchio, who believed that the world was a huge cheese, from which the angels were formed that were literally worms. This book is supposed to be useful for a work in the course of anthropology and history, the objective is to compare Menocchio with the popular Divino Anticristo, let’s hope the book arrives before the end of the month, or I will have to read it from internet.


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