
Mostrando entradas de julio, 2021
  In first place, I think that the offer of subjects in the anthropology career is very limited, if you check the academic offer of the same career in different universities around the world is easy to confirm this fact. This due on one hand for the lack of professors and their low salaries, you can see it in the difference of these if you compare the salaries of the professors for example Beucheff or the FEN and the FACSO or the philosophy faculty, clearly something is working wrong. On the other hand, I think that the university on itself must leave the conservative that it is nowadays and stop living only from its history and international prestige, it most decidedly moves forward to the innovation and academic excellence. It also has to make flexible the internal bureaucracy that puts it many times in a immobility or slowness at the time of front facing changes and challenges of XXI century; and not just this big changes at macrosocial level, but this also translate in difficulties
  I would like to travel so far away in time, I don’t know, it could be the XXVI or XXVII century. I’m curious about human destiny, have we been able to overcome climate change? We will live next to humanoid robots?, Or the planet just simply have been collapsed? These are questions that I will probably never get answers to. I would like to know how the life way of people in that time is, to know how they live, what they eat, how the job is, how the culture is, what technological inventions exist, will people still eat animals? Anyways, there are too many questions that I have. I would also like to tour the future world, and why not, travel to other planets if that exist, maybe people lives in different planets, or is too ambitious? I think I still have faith that humanity will make it through with XXI century problematics, like it is environmental crisis product of the extractivist capitalism. On the other hand, I don’t think I would like to stay in the future as tempting as it is, th
  During my whole life I’ve worked in different types of jobs, from customer support to quality control staff on a fishing plant in Quellón , Chiloé. I think that any job satisfies me, all of this is why, in the future I would like to do a postgraduate abroad, my dream is to teach in some university while I dedicate myself to the investigation. Yes, perhaps it is the traditional dream of those who want to dedicate themselves to an academic career, however, I believe that in this case the anthropology (career that I am now studying) gives wide possibilities of future and is very flexible, for what I feel that I would never get bored. I imagine myself doing fresh air field work, as far as possible travel to different countries, to know different cultures and different people. I don’t have an specific country where I would like to study in, so I’m open to all the possibilities. In this sense, I don’t figure myself sitting in an office my whole life, that is why if I don’t get the chance o