During my whole life I’ve worked in different types of jobs, from customer support to quality control staff on a fishing plant in Quellón , Chiloé. I think that any job satisfies me, all of this is why, in the future I would like to do a postgraduate abroad, my dream is to teach in some university while I dedicate myself to the investigation. Yes, perhaps it is the traditional dream of those who want to dedicate themselves to an academic career, however, I believe that in this case the anthropology (career that I am now studying) gives wide possibilities of future and is very flexible, for what I feel that I would never get bored. I imagine myself doing fresh air field work, as far as possible travel to different countries, to know different cultures and different people. I don’t have an specific country where I would like to study in, so I’m open to all the possibilities. In this sense, I don’t figure myself sitting in an office my whole life, that is why if I don’t get the chance of make continuity to my studies, I would like to travel anyways. Regarding of the salary, I don’t expect much, is known that social researchers do not have good salaries, so I’m content if it is enough for living and make my dreams come true.


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