I would like to go to Mongolia, its in Asia. Its located between Russia and Chine. Its capital is Ulan Bator. The country is very interesting to me because of it culture and traditions. This country has 3,1 million inhabitants, of which 30 percent are nomads and seminomads. Mongolia is the country with lower density of population in the whole world. The people there, use horses as their main transportation, actually there are as much horses as persons, or even more. If i ever go to Mongolia, i would like to travel the mongolian stepps by horse and meet the nomand people. What i most like of the country its their traditional costume and unique music. I also find very interesting their gastronomy, the fact that they make food with high caloric indices, because of the cold winter that they have.I would like to stay in the contry time enough to travel and get to know it well, but i wouldn't like to stay there for living. 


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